Choreographed by
Michael Tracy in collaboration with Otis Cook and Renee Jaworski

Music: “Morango...almost A Tango” by Thomas Oboe Lee was written for and performed by the Kronos Quartet and appears on the Nonesuch recording White Man Sleeps. “God Music” from “Black Angels” by George Crumb and “Fratres” by Arvo Pårt were performed by the Kronos Quartet and appear on the Nonesuch recording released 1985-1995.  “Long-Ge” by Jack Body was written for and performed by the Kronos Quartet and appears on the recording Early Music.
Costumes: Angelina Avallone
Lighting: Steven Strawbridge



Symbiosis is a captivating journey from thunderous beginnings to sinuous convergence. This intimate dance unfolds with inventive partnering and mesmerizing transitions, showcasing Pilobolus’s strength, trust, and technique. Previously featured as a TED Talk and So You Think You Can Dance? It's a spellbinding masterpiece.

Image by Emily Denaro