Donate — Pilobolus

We can’t do it without you.

Pilobolus proudly celebrates the triumphs of 52 years as a continuously running dance company, made possible by the generosity of people like you.

Your support will help us continue to:

  • Create compelling and important new work that pushes the boundaries of what dance can be.

  • Provide life-changing educational programs and workshops for children and adults of all ages.

Pilobolus is a registered 501c3 non-profit organization. Your donation is fully tax-deductible. Charitable contributions do not receive gifts or services in exchange of a gift and may be directed to all general annual activities or specific programs using the designation option in the form.


donate by check

Gifts can also be mailed by check payable to Pilobolus and sent to:

PO Box 388
Washington Depot, CT 06794

donate by ACH

For ACH transfers, contact us at


Gifts of Appreciated Stock

A gift of appreciated stock that you have owned for more than one year is frequently an attractive way to give.


  • If you itemize deductions, you will be eligible to deduct the full fair market value of the stock on the date of the gift

  • You will avoid the capital gains tax on the stock’s appreciation

For more information, and directions on how to transfer stock, please contact us at

Charitable IRA Rollover (Qualified Charitable Distribution, QCD)

The Charitable IRA Rollover allows individuals age 70½ and older to make direct transfers of up to $100,000 per year from their IRA accounts to qualified charities without having to count the transfers as income for federal tax purposes.  Distributions must be made directly to the charity by the plan administrator.


  • The amount of the distribution will not be included in your income in the year of the gift

  • The amount of the distribution will be counted toward your Required Minimum Distribution in the year of the gift

Note: Under current tax law the required minimum distribution does not begin until age 72.  However, you can begin using the Charitable IRA Rollover in the year you turn 70 1/2, and the amount rolled over will be excluded from your income.

For more information, and directions on how to contribute from an IRA, please contact us at

Make a Future Gift

You can plan your gift now to take effect in the future.  By doing this you actually part with nothing now – but have the satisfaction of knowing that your generosity will benefit Pilobolus in the future.  Here are a few options:

Bequests (Gifts under your Will or Trust)

You can name Pilobolus in your Will or Trust in a variety of ways:

  • Donate a fixed dollar amount

  • Donate specific property (such as  stock or real estate)

  • Donate a percentage of your estate

Your attorney can assist you in determining which gift options are best for you.  You should use the name “Pilobolus, Inc.”, Tax ID #03-0230490 when making your gift.


  • You can retain control over your assets during your lifetime

  • You can modify your bequest if circumstances change

  • You can direct your bequest to a particular purpose (please check with our Development Office first, to ensure that your gift will be structured to accomplish your wishes and objectives.)

  • Your gift will help ensure the future health and longevity of Pilobolus


Retirement Plan Assets

You can designate Pilobolus, Inc. to receive all or a part of the proceeds of your IRA or other retirement plan after your lifetime.


  • You retain control over Plan assets during your lifetime – and continue to take lifetime withdrawals

  • You can change the beneficiary, if circumstances change

  • By naming Pilobolus, Inc. as a designated beneficiary, the proceeds of your retirement plan that go directly to Pilobolus will be exempt from income and estate taxes.

  • Your gift will help ensure the future health and longevity of Pilobolus


Life Insurance

You can make a significant gift by designating Pilobolus, Inc. as:

  • a beneficiary of your life insurance policy – so that Pilobolus will receive the proceeds after your lifetime

  • a co-beneficiary with others – who will share the life insurance proceeds with Pilobolus after your lifetime

  • a contingent beneficiary directing that Pilobolus will receive the proceeds if the primary beneficiary should predecease you.


  • You retain control over your life insurance policy during your lifetime

  • You can change the beneficiary, if circumstances change

  • If the proceeds of your life insurance policy are transferred to Pilobolus - your estate may be entitled to a tax deduction for the value of your gift.

  • Your gift will help ensure the future health and longevity of Pilobolus

Have questions?  Please contact us at 

Photo by Denn Santoro.